The Forest walking towards Edith Wharton's Estate, The Mount |
I don't mean to start this beautiful celebratory piece on the macabre side, but after visiting Lenox this past weekend for our one year wedding anniversary, I now know where I want my ashes to be released (not the exact spot, but I sure do know it's in the Berkshires). You might be asking why start this blog post with the image of death, but for me it more validates that this anniversary trip returning to the place Charles and I got married only validated that we chose right, not only in life and love but yes, even in death.

We chose right to be husband and wife, we chose right to stay together for 9 years going strong, we chose right in choosing each other to complement the other, and we chose right for Lenox. Our decision to get married in the Berkshires ultimately came down to who we are individually and as a couple, our interests and values and who we want to be moving forward together in our union. The Berkshires are a splendid respite to the daily chaos, a natural setting filled with culture, arts and peace.
We started our anniversary weekend at
Tanglewood. We arrived a little late, but we made up for it staying past the wee hours being the last ones to leave the grassy field. When we arrived the lawn was filled with picnic-goers enjoying the classical music from the
Boston Symphony Orchestra. My God, it was something unearthly to be in this majestic heaven of greens and blues -- these bright colors from nature while listening to the most glorious music. Everyone was silent and at ease. We were amongst people taking a few moments listening to music as to quiet the mind. I was so moved by the scene I found myself in moments of tears behind my sunglasses. Tears of joy that I needed nor wanted anything other than to be right there... right then... with the man I love. It was a moment of gratitude.
This was much too planned to be our picnic. Sure is nice though |

We decided to take off last minute from the city so we didn't do too much planning, yet our quick picnic was just enough. We brought a sheet for the grass with some colorful placemats for a little decor since another blog I read went in depth about what to bring for the true "Tanglewood lawn" experience. It said to bring candelabras, a floral arrangement, fine china and glassware -- and everything to be in white and pink. I think that was more for the evening lawn concerts if that happens at all any longer, and either way we didn't get it together in time for that, but I did bring two wine glasses and our wedding napkins as a memento. We stopped in town
August 27, 2011 feels like yesterday |
Nejaime's Wine Cellars for some fantastic cheeses, olives with herbes de provence, smoked duck, grapeleaves, crackers and
realllly good dark chocolate with sea salt.

When the music was done we stayed on... it was too special on our grassy spot to leave just then.
Not a soul in sight but us & the squirrels. |

So we read
The Sunday Times and drank more wine. Even a ladybug stopped by to visit. We went into the world renowned acoustic pavilion or more widely known as the "Shed,"
and admired the sound quality as if our loud echoes were like those coming from a deep canyon. Charles made a great comparison about this great institution that was also celebrating an anniversary, its 75th. He said this is like Fenway, two great Massachusetts landmarks made with the highest quality and full of talent and history.
Wines we brought perfect for a sunny afternoon:
Bogle Riesling &
Nautique Esprit de Blanc
Definitely check out the New York State blend of 6% Pinot Grigio, 88% Chardonnay and 6% Riesling -- the Nautique Esprit de Blanc -- great quality, fresh & crisp, and the price is right
Last ones walking to the car at 7PM. There's a wonderful order to Tanglewood, yet in that order is freedom & respect. We easily came and went with no guards or strict rules. No one is forced to leave or sit anywhere
specific. People bring wine & beer -- yet there is no littering at all and everything was controlled & fine. |
What a spectacular tree. The trees throughout the Berkshires
are phenomenal. Each has its own personality, with a story to bear. |
Thanks Mom! Thank you for giving us such a special first anniversary that meant so much to us. |